
Intersecting Chord Theorem for Ellipses

 Brackenridge Figure 5.12
PG and DK are conjugate diameters and PG bisects chords QQ' and DK. Book 1, Proposition 21 of Apollonius's Conics implies that (PV×VG)/QV² = PC²/DC².

This image and caption are from J. Bruce Brackenridge's The Key to Newton's Dynamics: The Kepler Problem and the Principia[1] (p 114). Newton used the result to prove that elliptical orbits imply an inverse square law. Note that PG and DK are "conjugate diameters" of the ellipse, meaning that PG is parallel to the tangent at D (or K - the tangents at D and K are themselves parallel). The situation is symmetric, so it is equally correct to say that DK is parallel to the tangent at P (or G). As the diagram suggests, all the chords parallel to one conjugate diameter are bisected by the paired congugate diameter. Conjugate diameters are an old concept going back at least to Apollonius; modern too since they map to perpendicular diameters of a circle through an affine transformation.

Archimedes and Pi

 Archimedes by Fetti

Archimedes is one of greatest mathematicians of all time (his name \( A \rho \chi \iota \mu \acute{\eta} \delta \eta \varsigma \) means "master of thought" in Greek). He lived in the third century BC in Syracuse in Sicily (287 BC - 212 BC), then an outpost of Greek civilization. He has been highly regarded since his own time, which is perhaps why much of his work survives. Not all of it though, The Method being turned up in 1906 in the Archimedes Palimpsest (see Wikipedia's write-up as well). What survives is sufficient to measure his stature; he plainly anticipated calculus and knew as well as anyone today what a proof is, heir to the great classical school of Greek mathematics and Euclid. There are a few stories. One is that he was relaxing in his bath pondering the question of whether the king's gold crown had been adulterated and in an instant conceived the notion of buoyancy that bears his name. He was so excited, he jumped up and ran naked through the town shouting "εὕρηκα!" (Eureka - I have found it). It does seem fanciful, but is based on his surviving work On Floating Bodies.

Gauss and the Fast Fourier Transform

 Gauss Stamp

The Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) is a modern algorithm to compute the Fourier coefficients of a finite sequence. Fourier will forever be known by his assertion in 1807 that any function could be expressed as a linear combination of sines and cosines, its Fourier series. "Any" was a little ambitious, counter-examples coming to the fore in due time. A fair amount of mathematics from that time to this has been devoted to refining Fourier's insight and studying trigonometric series, a subject that led Georg Cantor to founding set theory. Piecewise smoothness is sufficient for pointwise convergence on \( [-\pi, \pi] \):

\[ f(x) = {a_0 \over 2} + \sum_{j=1}^\infty \left( a_j \cos jx + b_j \sin jx \right), \]

Keep Away Game in HTML5 Canvas

 Keep Away Game
Expand to entire article to play.

The Keep Away game was the last assignment in my Flash class and this is the port to HTML5 canvas, programmed in Javascript. Flash is declining for a number of reasons, including its proprietary nature and that it's not supported by the iPhone. Too bad, because Flash's ActionScript 3.0 is a thoroughgoing object oriented approach to graphics programming similar to Javascript. For the programmer, a circle or rectangle or any other figure suitable to be part of a display list is just an object with properties and methods. Many artists know Flash through the sophisticated Flash Pro environment, where they can create and store images efficiently with "symbols". Think Adobe Photoshop, apt in a couple ways considering that Adobe acquired Flash and developed ActionScript 3.0. Even animations are possible with "tweens". It's a nice in-between technology, where artists can experience Flash as as they always do, but be gently introduced to programming those objects in the code window. My approach is to forgo the environment entirely, except as a medium to execute ActionScript. The environment can be skipped entirely with Abobe's free compiler which turns ActionScript into .swf, which executes in the (free) Flash Player.


Every few years I'd check to see if there was a good system for putting mathematical notation in a web page and always disappointed until now. Eureka, as Archimedes would say - MathJax is the solution. It is open source, extraordinarily easy to use, works in all browsers, and is text based, hence scalable on the page as text. A single line of setup in the header of an html document enables you to include LaTeX right in the html and have it render beautifully. Here's Cauchy-Schwarz, for example:

\[ \left( \sum_{k=1}^n a_k b_k \right)^2 \leq \left( \sum_{k=1}^n a_k^2 \right) \left( \sum_{k=1}^n b_k^2 \right) \]


 August 2013 calendar

My original calendar program was on the Casio fx-3600p calculator in 1980 or so - my first programming venue and exercised partly in spare moments when driving truck out on the route; a precursor mobile device you could say. My buddy Dave got me started. I might have scarred myself permanently though. The transition from math to software engineering is always tricky, considering that there are many commonalities, but just as important differences to snag the self-taught and perhaps obstinate and all-too-confident mathematician (perish the thought). The 3600 had this bizarre little macro language providing for a trade-off between memory and program size. You could have (say) fifty memory locations and 400 instructions or twenty locations and 600 instructions. They're really variables of course, but the memory locations were designated K0 through K19 or something.

Three Circles Problem

Problem: Given a point P in the plane, construct an equilateral triangle whose vertices are 1, 2, and 3 units, respectively, from P.

The Art of Mathematical Problem Solving

I still remember the day in seventh grade when, alone in the classroom, I found the geometry problems section in the appendix of one of our books and started to work them out, tentatively at first, but increasingly confidently as they started falling into place. Joyfully too -- bitten by the bug and still infected after all these years. The problem notebooks become buried under files with more pressing business, always to be brought back to the top after a time to receive another solution.

The preoccupation can become an ongoing part of your psyche. Ramanujan used to say that a Hindu goddess came to him in dreams with his formulas and he would write them down first thing in the morning. Poincaré has a story (as I remember it) that he had hit a stone wall on a problem after considerable application. He decided he needed a break and took a trip to the country by bus. When disembarking, as his foot rose from the last step and before it fell on the ground, the solution came to him. I was waiting for a friend at a bar once and drew a diagram of a geometry problem I'd been working on unsuccessfully on a napkin, not even applying myself, just doodling absent-mindedly, when the solution revealed itself.


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